Peiling nieuw beleid VS
- CarpeNoctem
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- Lid geworden op: 05 jan 2014
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Heb je een beetje de toespraak van Trump tot het congres gevolgd? Het was er weer eentje voor de annalen. Bij de Democraten zit er nogal wat wereldvreemd volk. Ze zaten daar opeens met bordjes te zwaaien gelijk kleine kinderen. Terwijl ondertussen eenieder zou moeten weten dat dit gefundenes fressen is voor grappenmakers allerhande:
We mogen er de komende dagen nog busladingen verwachten

In ons land hebben we ook zo'n sujetten rondlopen. Den Egbert meende ook zijn duit in het zakje te moeten doen met wat TDS. Het ligt volgens hem aan Trump dat de vrouwen in Afghanistan door de mannelijke haatbaarden aldaar als vee worden behandeld

Kwestie van de laatste liberale kiezer ook weg te jagen zeker?
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
Sorry to be a free speech absolutist. (© Elon Musk)
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell
Sorry to be a free speech absolutist. (© Elon Musk)
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell
Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Alhoewel ik vind dat Trump goeie ideeën heeft, blijft het een losgeslagen gek. Zijn speech liep over van ijdelheid, volksverlakkerij en megalomanie (een wereldepidemie tegenwoordig).
Die bordjes vind ik zelf wel grappig. Dat jij die liever niet ziet : daar gaan ze in de USA niet van wakker liggen. Je vertelt hier over het gevoel dat je daar bij hebt. Dat is ook weer geen absolute werkelijkheid.
In het bijzonder dat bordje dat Trump aanmaande om zelf eerst zijn belastingen correct te betalen was erg goed.
Die bordjes vind ik zelf wel grappig. Dat jij die liever niet ziet : daar gaan ze in de USA niet van wakker liggen. Je vertelt hier over het gevoel dat je daar bij hebt. Dat is ook weer geen absolute werkelijkheid.
In het bijzonder dat bordje dat Trump aanmaande om zelf eerst zijn belastingen correct te betalen was erg goed.

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- Lid geworden op: 23 aug 2024
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Die domme rednecks, zoals jij ze noemt, zou ik eerder, zoals Vance, low educated, low income people noemen.R1150GS schreef: ↑4 maart 2025, 23:04 GlLJ3loWoAAV4FU.jpg
Een paar voorbeelden wat DOGE tot hiertoe al heeft kunnen besparen, en het gaat hier nog enkel over het hoofdstuk DEI, Diversity, equity and inclusion.
De subsidieslurpers zullen uiteraard niet gelukkig zijn, de belastingbetalers- door sommigen hierboven " domme rednecks" genoemd, uiteraard wel
Maar hoe je ze ook wilt noemen, ze geloven alles wat Trump en zijn team zeggen. Ze slikken dus blindelings wat Musk hen voorliegt.
Hier slechts enkele voorbeelden:
But as The New York Times first reported, five of DOGE's biggest contracts that they say have resulted in savings ended up being deleted from that wall of receipts after outlets pointed out that there were errors. And some of the biggest errors in savings are, as CBS first reported, a USAID contract for $650 million that was listed three times, as The Intercept first reported, a Social Security contract listed as $232 million, instead of $560,000, and an ICE contract that DOGE listed as $8 billion, when, in reality, it was $8 million.
De low educated, low income people checken dat uiteraard niet. Ze GELOVEN.
Trumps MAGA = MAPA: Make America Poor Gain
- CarpeNoctem
- VIP member
- Berichten: 1241
- Lid geworden op: 05 jan 2014
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Je hebt niet goed gelezen. Ik ben dol op die bordjes. Ze gaan ons voor jaren plezier bezorgen.
Zelden zo'n 'in eigen voetschieterij' gezien

A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
Sorry to be a free speech absolutist. (© Elon Musk)
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell
Sorry to be a free speech absolutist. (© Elon Musk)
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell
- Newbie
- Berichten: 38
- Lid geworden op: 14 aug 2024
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
The founding of the Eurorussian Empire
NBC, New York
4th of July 2025
After the temporarily suspension of military aid to Ukraïne by the United States of America on 3rd of March, the Russian Army soon was able to defeat the Ukranian Army in the fortcoming weeks. The former Ukranian president Zelenski has disappeared and has probably left the country.
Further more, after installing a new government in Kiev, the Russian Army could easily conquer the rest of Europe in just a few weeks time due to the incapacity of the European countries to defend themselves.
The capital of the new Eurorussian Empire will be Moskou. President Putin - whose mandate has been changed to a lifelong mandate - has the sole power to appoint decentral governments in any of the formerly European states. In Belgian the decentral government will be lead by a coaliton of PVDA and VB.
The official language in all Eurorussian countries is Russian. Other languages are not allowed.
The main seas have been renamed according to the tradition of following name changes when updated by official government sources.
NBC, New York
4th of July 2025
After the temporarily suspension of military aid to Ukraïne by the United States of America on 3rd of March, the Russian Army soon was able to defeat the Ukranian Army in the fortcoming weeks. The former Ukranian president Zelenski has disappeared and has probably left the country.
Further more, after installing a new government in Kiev, the Russian Army could easily conquer the rest of Europe in just a few weeks time due to the incapacity of the European countries to defend themselves.
The capital of the new Eurorussian Empire will be Moskou. President Putin - whose mandate has been changed to a lifelong mandate - has the sole power to appoint decentral governments in any of the formerly European states. In Belgian the decentral government will be lead by a coaliton of PVDA and VB.
The official language in all Eurorussian countries is Russian. Other languages are not allowed.
The main seas have been renamed according to the tradition of following name changes when updated by official government sources.
Je hebt niet voldoende permissies om de bijlagen van dit bericht te bekijken.
Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Ik noem die rednecks niet dom, dat doen anderen hier. Ik vind ze ook geen low educated, low income people willen noemen, maar hard werkende mensen. De meeste mensen die ik hier al meer dan 30 jaar ken zijn zelfstandigen of bedrijfsleiders, of "stielmannen".KleineSpaarder schreef: ↑Gisteren 07:57Die domme rednecks, zoals jij ze noemt, zou ik eerder, zoals Vance, low educated, low income people noemen.R1150GS schreef: ↑4 maart 2025, 23:04 GlLJ3loWoAAV4FU.jpg
Een paar voorbeelden wat DOGE tot hiertoe al heeft kunnen besparen, en het gaat hier nog enkel over het hoofdstuk DEI, Diversity, equity and inclusion.
De subsidieslurpers zullen uiteraard niet gelukkig zijn, de belastingbetalers- door sommigen hierboven " domme rednecks" genoemd, uiteraard wel
Maar hoe je ze ook wilt noemen, ze geloven alles wat Trump en zijn team zeggen. Ze slikken dus blindelings wat Musk hen voorliegt.
Hier slechts enkele voorbeelden:
But as The New York Times first reported, five of DOGE's biggest contracts that they say have resulted in savings ended up being deleted from that wall of receipts after outlets pointed out that there were errors. And some of the biggest errors in savings are, as CBS first reported, a USAID contract for $650 million that was listed three times, as The Intercept first reported, a Social Security contract listed as $232 million, instead of $560,000, and an ICE contract that DOGE listed as $8 billion, when, in reality, it was $8 million.
De low educated, low income people checken dat uiteraard niet. Ze GELOVEN.
Zij geloven zomaar alles wat Trump en zijn team zeggen? Daar ben ik nog niet zo zeker van. Hoeveel ken jij er persoonlijk?
Alles slikken wat bvb The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post etc vertellen, dat noem ik dom. Ik beperk me hier tot het lezen van The Wall Street Journal, dat is volgens mij een kwalitiets krant. Die doen aan verslaggeving, dus de feiten en achtergronden duiden, niet de idieen van hun geldschieters en bazen uitdragen.
Verder heb ik geen schrik dat we binnenkort allemaal Russisch moeten spreken, zo erg is het ginder ook nu niet. Ik spreek vrij goed Russisch, heb er vele vrienden sinds vele jaren in bvb Moscow, Tambov, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Blagovesjensk. Ik heb ook vrienden in Kazachtsan en Belarus. Tussen 1989 en het begin van de covid pandemie ben ik er helaas niet meer geweest, maar ik hou wel heel regelmatig contact. Ik zal er maar bijvertellen dat iedereen die ik ginder ken niet moet weten van Putin en de oorlog met Ukraine. Vroeger had ik nog een vriendien in Ukraine- ze was van Russische afkomst- maar die relatie is 10 jaar geleden spaak gelopen...
Kijk gerust nog wat verder naar de MSN en laat je maar brainwashen zoals zovelen. Ik ga wel eens ter plaatse kijken of luisteren.
En nu ga ik nog wat werken. De Rednecks houden niet van profiteurs en luierikken...
- Full Member
- Berichten: 120
- Lid geworden op: 23 aug 2024
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Blij dat te horen. Dan heb je ook dit gelezen, zonder twijfel.
In Trump’s Alternate Reality, Lies and Distortions Drive Change
Condoms for Gaza? Ukraine started the war with Russia? The president’s manipulations of the truth lay the groundwork for radical change.
By Peter Baker
Peter Baker is covering his sixth presidency and wrote a book about President Trump’s first term. He reported from Washington.
The United States sent $50 million in condoms to Hamas. Diversity programs caused a plane crash. China controls the Panama Canal. Ukraine started the war with Russia.
Except, no. None of that is true. Not that it stops President Trump. In the first month since he returned to power, he has demonstrated once again a brazen willingness to advance distortions, conspiracy theories and outright lies to justify major policy decisions.
Mr. Trump has long been unfettered by truth when it comes to boasting about his record and tearing down his enemies. But what were dubbed “alternative facts” in his first term have quickly become a whole alternative reality in his second to lay the groundwork for radical change as he moves to aggressively reshape America and the world.
If the U.S. Agency for International Development is stupid enough to send prophylactics to a Palestinian terrorist group in Gaza, he claims, then it deserves to be dismantled. If recruiting people other than white men to work in the airline sector compromises safety, such programs should be eliminated. If China controls the strategic passage through the continent, the United States should take it back. If Ukraine is the aggressor, it should make concessions to Moscow.
“One of the biggest presidential powers that Trump has deployed is the ability to shape his own narrative,” said Julian E. Zelizer, a Princeton history professor and editor of a book of essays about Mr. Trump’s first term. “We have seen repeatedly how President Trump creates his own reality to legitimate his actions and simultaneously discredit warnings about his decisions.”
Taking his real-estate hucksterism and reality-show storytelling into politics, Mr. Trump has for years succeeded in selling his version of events. The world according to Mr. Trump is one where he is a master of every challenge and any failure is someone else’s fault.
He claimed to have built the greatest economy in history during his first term so many times that even some of his critics came to accept that it was better than it really was. He dismissed intelligence reports that Russia intervened in the 2016 elections on his behalf so often that many supporters accepted his denial.
Most significantly, Mr. Trump has waged a four-year campaign to persuade Americans that he did not lose the 2020 election when in fact he did, making one false assertion of widespread fraud after another that would all be debunked yet still leave most Republicans convinced it was stolen, according to polls.
At the same time, he has recast the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol by supporters trying to stop the transfer of power from a “heinous attack,” as he originally termed it, to a “day of love,” as he now calls it. This revised interpretation helped him rationalize pardoning nearly 1,600 people who were charged, including many who had beaten police officers.
“Trump is a highly skilled narrator and propagandist,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present” and a historian at New York University who specializes in fascism and authoritarianism. “Actually he is one of the most skilled propagandists in history.”
Dr. Ben-Ghiat said what made Mr. Trump’s “easily refutable lie” about the 2020 election so remarkable was that he was “working not in a one-party state or authoritarian context with a controlled media, but in a totally open society with a free press.”
But she and other scholars said some of Mr. Trump’s themes resemble those seen in authoritarian states. “The kind of propaganda and disinformation that we see now is not particularly new and not dependent on the internet,” said Benjamin Carter Hett, a historian of World War II at Hunter College. “Exactly the same kind of thing happened in the very diverse and lively German press of the 1920s and 1930s.”
Mr. Trump’s aides have long recognized his penchant for prevarication and either adjusted or eventually broke with him. John F. Kelly, his longest-serving White House chief of staff in his first term, has said that Mr. Trump would tell his press aides to publicly repeat something that he had just made up. When Mr. Kelly would object, saying, “but that’s not true,” Mr. Trump would say, “but it sounds good.”
Stephanie Grisham, who served as a White House press secretary in the first term, once recalled that Mr. Trump would tell aides that “as long as you keep repeating something, it doesn’t matter what you say.” And that trickled down to the staff. “Casual dishonesty filtered through the White House as though it were in the air-conditioning system,” she wrote in her memoir.
Anthony Scaramucci, a former Trump ally who served briefly as his White House communications director, said on Friday that Mr. Trump believes dishonesty works. Mr. Trump, he said, is at “50 years of distorting things and telling lies and he is at 50 years of getting away with it, so why wouldn’t he make the lies bigger and more impactful in this last stretch?”
The exaggerations and falsehoods serve a strategic purpose. While Mr. Trump won a clean victory in November, including in the popular vote, which he lost in 2016, he did not win a majority and his 1.5-percentage-point margin was one of the lowest since the 19th century. But he regularly says that he won a “landslide victory,” which serves not just to stroke his ego but to assert an expansive popular mandate for his agenda.
Mr. Trump, who repeatedly disparaged media fact-checking during last year’s campaign, does not back off after misleading statements and lies are exposed. Instead, he tends to double down, repeating them even after it’s been reported that they are not true.
After reporters determined that the $50 million for condoms story was untrue, Mr. Trump not only repeated it, he increased the supposed total to $100 million. Nor did he back down after falsely claiming that U.S.A.I.D. had provided grants to media organizations as “a ‘payoff’ for creating good stories about the Democrats,” even after learning the money was simply for subscriptions.
Likewise, Mr. Trump made his claim about diversity programs and air safety the day after the midair collision of a passenger jet and Army helicopter in Washington without an ounce of proof, nor did he ever follow up with any. And while a Hong Kong company operates two of five ports adjacent to the Panama Canal, he continues to say the passage is controlled by China when in fact Panama operates it.
And to support his effort to rescind the constitutional right to birthright citizenship, Mr. Trump keeps saying that the United States is “the only country in the world that does this,” even though it has been repeatedly reported that in fact more than 30 countries do.
“Opponents end up arguing about his narratives regardless of how grounded they are in fact,” said Dr. Zelizer. “This has put President Trump in a perpetual position of advantage since he decides the terms of debate rather than anyone seeking to stop him.”
In Mr. Trump’s facts-are-fungible world, conspiracy theories at times are given as much weight as tangible evidence and those who traffic in them are granted access that no other president would give. Just this past week, he talked about going to Fort Knox to see if the nation’s gold really is there, indulging a fringe suspicion that it is somehow missing.
Invited to accompany Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth to Europe was Jack Posobiec, a far-right influencer who promoted the lie that Democrats were running a pedophile ring out of a Washington pizza parlor, a lie that inspired an armed man to burst in and open fire to save the supposed victims. Mr. Posobiec ended up not going but later accompanied Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent to Ukraine.
Mr. Trump’s blame-the-victim revisionism over Ukraine in recent days has been among the most striking efforts to translate his alternative reality into policy. Over the course of several recent days, he said that Ukraine “started” the war with Russia in 2022 and called the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, a “dictator without elections,” while absolving President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, an actual dictator who had invaded his neighbor. He went even further on Friday, saying, “It’s not Russia’s fault.”
By undercutting public sympathy for Ukraine, Mr. Trump may make it easier for him to strike a peace agreement with Mr. Putin giving Russia much of what it wants even over any objections by Mr. Zelensky or European leaders. Since Mr. Zelensky is a dictator responsible for the war, this reasoning goes, he deserves less consideration.
One of Mr. Trump’s claims about Ukraine offers a case study in his mythmaking. He said that the United States has provided $350 billion in aid to Ukraine, three times as much as Europe, but that much of the money is “missing” and that Mr. Zelensky “admits that half of the money we sent him is missing.”
In fact, the United States has allocated about a third of what Mr. Trump claimed, even less than Europe, and none of it is known to be missing.
The dollar figures cited for U.S. aid to Ukraine can vary depending on how government officials present them, what time period they cover and whether they include humanitarian and economic assistance.
How did Mr. Trump arrive at his claim? The White House did not respond to a request for elaboration. But it appears that Mr. Trump was referring to a recent interview with Mr. Zelensky that the president or his staff either misunderstood or distorted.
In the interview, Mr. Zelensky was asked by The Associated Press about exaggerated numbers and he corrected them. “When it’s said that Ukraine received $200 billion to support the army during the war, that’s not true,” Mr. Zelensky said according to a translation by Ukrainska Pravda, a Ukrainian news outlet. “I don’t know where all that money went.”
Mr. Zelensky was not saying that there was $200 billion and that he did not know where all of it went. He was saying there never was $200 billion in the first place. Even Mr. Trump’s special envoy to Ukraine, Keith Kellogg, has indicated no concern over missing money, saying that “we have a pretty good accounting of where it’s going.” Indeed, the vast bulk of U.S. aid approved for Ukraine has been in the form of weapons, not cash.
But that does not comport with the official line at the White House. Once Mr. Trump makes an assertion, those who work for him — and want to keep working for him — are compelled to tailor their own versions of reality to match his. Even if it requires them to abandon previous understandings of the facts.
So there was Michael Waltz, the former Republican congressman from Florida now serving as Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, pressed last week to reconcile his past comments about who was responsible for the war in Ukraine with his boss’s current position.
A reporter read aloud from an opinion column that Mr. Waltz had written in 2023 stating that “Putin is to blame, certainly, like Al Qaeda was to blame for 9/11.” Mr. Waltz was asked if he still believed that or whether he now shared Mr. Trump’s assessment that Ukraine had started the war.
“Well,” Mr. Waltz said carefully, “it shouldn’t surprise you that I share the president’s assessment on all kinds of issues. What I wrote as a member of Congress was as a former member of Congress.”
And so, Mr. Waltz’s actual reality gave way to Mr. Trump’s alternative version.
Trumps MAGA = MAPA: Make America Poor Gain
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- Berichten: 120
- Lid geworden op: 23 aug 2024
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Zoals in elke dictatuur, is het verboden om De Grote Leider tegen te spreken.
Trump threatens to sue media after Wall Street Journal editorial criticizes tariffs
Journal argued Trump’s tariff plans would harm ‘US auto workers and Republican prospects in Michigan’
Guardian staff
Wed 26 Feb 2025 16.37 CET
A Wall Street Journal editorial slamming Donald Trump’s tariff plans as terrible for the US economy and auto industry prompted a broadside from the president on Wednesday followed by threats to sue the media.
In an opinion piece titled Trump’s Tariffs Will Punish Michigan, the Journal argued Trump’s tariff plans would harm “US auto workers and Republican prospects in Michigan”.
Dat de Noord-Koreanen in een dictatuur leven, daar kunnen ze niet meer aan doen. Het duurt al te lang. Ik voel met ze mee.
Dat de Russen in een dictatuur leven, daar kunnen ze niet meer aan doen. Het duurt al te lang. Ik voel met ze mee.
Dat de USA'ers met hun volle verstand ervoor kiezen in een dictatuur te leven, daar heb ik geen greintje medegevoel bij.
Trump threatens to sue media after Wall Street Journal editorial criticizes tariffs
Journal argued Trump’s tariff plans would harm ‘US auto workers and Republican prospects in Michigan’
Guardian staff
Wed 26 Feb 2025 16.37 CET
A Wall Street Journal editorial slamming Donald Trump’s tariff plans as terrible for the US economy and auto industry prompted a broadside from the president on Wednesday followed by threats to sue the media.
In an opinion piece titled Trump’s Tariffs Will Punish Michigan, the Journal argued Trump’s tariff plans would harm “US auto workers and Republican prospects in Michigan”.
Dat de Noord-Koreanen in een dictatuur leven, daar kunnen ze niet meer aan doen. Het duurt al te lang. Ik voel met ze mee.
Dat de Russen in een dictatuur leven, daar kunnen ze niet meer aan doen. Het duurt al te lang. Ik voel met ze mee.
Dat de USA'ers met hun volle verstand ervoor kiezen in een dictatuur te leven, daar heb ik geen greintje medegevoel bij.
Trumps MAGA = MAPA: Make America Poor Gain
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- Berichten: 120
- Lid geworden op: 23 aug 2024
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
We moeten er opnieuw een aan toevoegen.KleineSpaarder schreef: ↑4 maart 2025, 10:45Dat klopt. Dit zijn de toenaderingen van Trump:
- Oekraine beschuldigen van de oorlog begonnen te zijn
- Zelensky een dictator noemen wanneer Zelensky zegt dat het niet waar
- het meestemmen van de US met Rusland en Noord-Korea in de Veiligheidsraad van de UN
- het stopzetten van de offensieve cyberaanvallen van de US tegen Rusland
- het stopzetten van de militaire steun van de US aan Oekraine
- een start gemaakt door de US om de sancties tegen Rusland te verminderen en misschien zelfs af te schaffen
Toenaderingen door Putin:
Fox News White House correspondent reported on Twitter that CIA Director John Ratcliffe “tacitly confirmed” that the U.S. has stopped sharing intelligence sharing with Ukraine and that he referred to a “pause on the military front, on the intelligence front, to hold everyone accountable to drive peace around the world.”
Deze is van eerder, en moet er ook bijstaan.
Feb 13 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would love to have Russia return to the Group of Seven nations, saying it was a mistake for Moscow to be expelled.
Russia had been a member of the G7 club of industrialized democracies, then known as the G8, until Moscow was excluded following its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region in 2014.
Deze is van eerder, en moet er ook bijstaan.
Feb 6 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department under President Donald Trump is disbanding an effort started after Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine to enforce sanctions and target oligarchs close to the Kremlin.
A memo from Attorney General Pam Bondi, issued on Wednesday during a wave of orders on her first day in office but not previously reported, said the effort, known as Task Force KleptoCapture, will end as part of a shift in focus and funding to combating drug cartels and international gangs.
Laatst gewijzigd door KleineSpaarder op 5 maart 2025, 15:30, 4 keer totaal gewijzigd.
Trumps MAGA = MAPA: Make America Poor Gain
- Full Member
- Berichten: 120
- Lid geworden op: 23 aug 2024
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
We moeten er ons dus van bewust zijn dat een bondgenoot van Rusland, Noord-Korea, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas (the friend of my friend is my friend) kernwapens heeft in ons land.
Belgium is one of five NATO members to host US nuclear weapons on its territory as part of a nuclear-sharing agreement. The Belgian air force is assigned approximately 10–15 B61 nuclear bombs, which are deployed at Kleine Brogel Air Base.
Belgium is one of five NATO members to host US nuclear weapons on its territory as part of a nuclear-sharing agreement. The Belgian air force is assigned approximately 10–15 B61 nuclear bombs, which are deployed at Kleine Brogel Air Base.
Trumps MAGA = MAPA: Make America Poor Gain
Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Kijk eens aan, het Trump Gaza filmpje heeft al succes, de arabieren zijn er al met 50 miljard om Gaza weer op te bouwen, de vraag of Israël moet mee betalen wordt zelfs al niet meer gesteld 

- CarpeNoctem
- VIP member
- Berichten: 1241
- Lid geworden op: 05 jan 2014
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Als je een beetje door de TDS van onze gesubsidieerde media kijkt kun je niet enkel dan dat besluiten.
Dat was gedurende zijn eerste ambtstermijn niet anders.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
En als Trump er al in slaagt om Weverke vanuit zijn winterslaap rechtstreeks met meerdere nicks in zijn manische periode te catapulteren, wat meer kan een mens zich wensen?

En in het zog van Trump beginnen er zelfs in Europa eindelijk wat realistische, minder oorlogszuchtige stemmen op te gaan:
Deze oorlog gaat om Oekraïne. Rusland heeft nooit de intentie gehad om NAVO- of EU-landen aan te vallen
In heel Europa en dus ook in ons land lijken de emoties het opnieuw te halen op een nuchtere analyse. In München werden er zelfs traantjes gelaten. Sinds de Trump-administratie aankondigde dat ze zou uitvoeren wat ze beloofd had, met name praten met de Russen om dan vredesonderhandelingen op te starten, lijken de Europeanen het noorden kwijt. Het enige waarover men het lijkt eens te zijn is de defensiebudgetten substantieel op te trekken.
De gestage maar trage opmars van de Russen sinds de winter van 2022-2023 zegt veel over hun beperkte militaire capaciteiten. Als Rusland in drie jaar nog niet halverwege Kiev raakt, is het absurd om te geloven dat het met zijn tanks in Brussel zal staan.
Laatst gewijzigd door CarpeNoctem op 5 maart 2025, 21:06, 1 keer totaal gewijzigd.
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
Sorry to be a free speech absolutist. (© Elon Musk)
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell
Sorry to be a free speech absolutist. (© Elon Musk)
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” ― Thomas Sowell
Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Een zak chips en een goeie pintCarpeNoctem schreef: ↑Gisteren 18:27 En als Trump er al in slaagt om Weverke vanuit zijn winterslaap rechtstreeks met meerdere nicks in zijn manische periode te catapulteren, wat meer kan een mens zich wensen?

- Sr. Member
- Berichten: 487
- Lid geworden op: 09 aug 2020
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Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
Alle acties van Trump zijn volslagen logisch als je er van uitgaat dat hij door de Russen is gerecruteerd lang geleden. ... _officials ... _officials
Irony is wasted on the dumb. Oscar Wilde.
Re: Peiling nieuw beleid VS
In het zog van Trump....
"""""Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) heeft honderden publicaties verwijderd van zijn door fouten geplaagde website, waarmee ‘vier miljard dollar aan extra besparingen’ - die de groep naar eigen zeggen had gerealiseerd - zijn verdwenen. Bijna de helft van die publicaties vermeldde contracten waar er nul dollar werd bespaard, en sommige dateerden van tijdperken lang voor de oprichting van het departement. Dat schrijft ‘The New York Times’.""""
Uit de tijd van G. Bush ongeveer.
Over Weverke ben je me dus wel effe kwijt.
Ik hoop dat ik binnenkort ook kan volgen.
Als ik me niet vergis was weverke er ook ene die naar jullie zin niet rechts genoeg was.
"""""Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) heeft honderden publicaties verwijderd van zijn door fouten geplaagde website, waarmee ‘vier miljard dollar aan extra besparingen’ - die de groep naar eigen zeggen had gerealiseerd - zijn verdwenen. Bijna de helft van die publicaties vermeldde contracten waar er nul dollar werd bespaard, en sommige dateerden van tijdperken lang voor de oprichting van het departement. Dat schrijft ‘The New York Times’.""""
Uit de tijd van G. Bush ongeveer.
Ik heb de laatste dagen andere dingen te doen gehad en de komende dagen ook..CarpeNoctem schreef: ↑Gisteren 18:27
En als Trump er al in slaagt om Weverke vanuit zijn winterslaap rechtstreeks met meerdere nicks in zijn manische periode te catapulteren, wat meer kan een mens zich wensen?
Over Weverke ben je me dus wel effe kwijt.
Ik hoop dat ik binnenkort ook kan volgen.
Als ik me niet vergis was weverke er ook ene die naar jullie zin niet rechts genoeg was.
Voor ene keer geef ik je gelijk.Charlesvdw schreef: ↑Gisteren 21:08 Alle acties van Trump zijn volslagen logisch als je er van uitgaat dat hij door de Russen is gerecruteerd lang geleden.